Servier is an international pharmaceutical company, governed by a foundation. Our vocation is to be committed to therapeutic progress for the benefit of patients. It inspires our thoughts and actions, both individual and collective, which are underpinned by the four values that are the cornerstone of our corporate culture:
These values sustain our corporate ethics.
Our thoughts and actions comply with the laws, regulations, and good practices of the countries where we operate, while also respecting their culture. They are guided by ethical considerations, in accordance with rules of conduct (compliance) and our corporate social responsibility.
Our rules of conduct (compliance) define the processes ensuring that all our employees and managers respect the standards applicable to our company and our corporate values. A Code of Conduct and a CSR Charter incorporate the principles set out in our Charter of Ethics. This entire set of principles must be respected and supported by every employee and manager in the company.
The compliance rules help each of our employees to act in accordance with the Group’s standards of integrity and ethics. In addition, each employee undertakes to comply with the laws and regulations in force in Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Our vocation
We are committed to therapeutic progress to serve patient needs. Download our Code of Ethics
A Commitment to transparency in partnerships
with the medical community
A good medicinal product results from the successful collaboration of physicians — who express the needs of patients and test the medicines —and pharmaceutical companies that listen. That is why professionals and healthcare companies need to work together to improve patient access to existing and novel therapeutic solutions.
This collaboration covers a very large field. For our company, this can include, for example :
– Defining our future research programs with the expertise of health professionals by better ascertaining patient needs.
– Better understanding the use of a medicinal product in real conditions in order to adjust any pertaining medical information.
Such collaborations are complex and require both communication and transparency. For this reason we are committed to declaring our connections with healthcare professionals and organisations through the European Federation of Industries and Pharmaceutical Associations (EFPIA) Disclosure Code for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, as well as the Sunshine Act (law of 18 December 2016, implemented by the Royal Decree of 14 June 2017 implementing the Sunshine Act,M.B., 23 June 2017) in Belgium.

What is the EFPIA disclosure code?
In Luxembourg, in order to contribute to a better understanding of partnerships with the medical community and their necessity, pharmaceutical companies, through the EFPIA code of conduct, have committed to publish their interactions with health professionals and organisations.
This self-regulating approach was first initiated by the industry at a European level and has since been adapted to national levels.
More information on the different aspects of the EFPIA Disclosure Code can be found on the European website www.efpia.eu.
What is the Sunshine Act?
The legal transparency obligation requires Belgian and foreign pharmaceutical companies to document and make public annually on the betransparent.be platform the premiums and benefits they grant from 1 January 2017 onwards directly or indirectly to healthcare professionals, healthcare organisations or patient organisations.
More information on the different aspects of the Belgian Sunshine Act is available on www.betransparent.be.
Our declarations
For Belgium, you can consult the declarations on the link below:
Our local Belgian publications
For Luxembourg, you can consult the declarations on the link below:
Our local Luxembourg publications